Reducing Landfill Waste Yard and food waste account for a large percentage of municipal solid waste. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Buffalo Dumpster Rental HQ state that these materials comprise about 30% of the stuff being sent to landfills in America. Recycling them alleviates overcrowding in landfills along with the myriad of environmental issues…
Author: recyclingboy
Recycling Efforts in California: A Comprehensive Approach to Sustainability
California has led the nation for decades on policies and innovations to reduce waste, improve the environment, and foster new paths of sustainability. Despite its large population and diverse economy, the state faces challenges of scale when it comes to waste management but has become a global leader in resource recovery through ambitious yet comprehensive…
Recycling vs. Reduction: How Sorting Became the Top Eco-Friendly Gesture, Overshadowing Prevention
Sorting for recycling, an almost daily action for many of us, has become part of our customs since the beginning of the 1990s. If the establishment of dedicated sectors and infrastructures have enabled this growth, communication has played a role. So much so that this gesture appears to US residents as the supreme eco-friendly gesture,…
Adopting eco-friendly alternatives to disposable products for a sustainable lifestyle
The harmful consequences of disposable products on the environment Disposable products such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic utensils and wipes have become commonly used items in our daily lives. The problem is that their use has a negative impact on the environment, increasing pollution and wasting ressources. They are often made from non-renewable materials…
Revolutionizing Recycling: Transforming Plastic Waste into Possibilities
Processing plastic waste The latest technologies for recycling plastic require innovative approaches aimed at reducing the environmental impact and maximizing resource efficiency, instead of constantly creating waste. While the government of Massachussetts aims to recycle 100% of plastic by 2030, it is clear that there is still a long way to go. Indeed, today in…
Building a Sustainable Future: The Evolution of Construction Waste Recycling
How to recycle construction waste Building materials that remain in the construction sector or that are produced during the destruction of buildings can be disposed of and recycled. Recycling depends on the material that constitutes the waste. They can therefore be reused as raw materials cost-effectively. At the same time, natural resources can be saved…
What to do with waste containing lead
Most metals release some amount of lead when processed. But many types of hazardous materials also contain lead. However, not all of these types of materials can be safely managed with other similar materials. If you’re wondering what you should do with your lead-containing waste, keep reading for answers. What is lead waste The term…
Is Recycling Home Waste Really Worth It
As we are living here on this planet, it is important that we take care of it. Why? Because it is our home, and it is our responsibility to maintain and take care of our home. In order to do that, we will have to keep it clean so that it will not only good…
Reduce Your Home’s Impact on the Environment
To reduce the environmental impact that humans have on the earth is the first step to developing an energy-efficient lifestyle for more sustainability. So, our carbon footprint is very much important. Apart from the environmental benefits, you can also save money. There are so many choices that you can make in your day-to-day life in…
10 Tips to Being More Sustainable When Shopping
Sustainability is important to many people, and for good reason. It’s crucial that we take steps to be more sustainable, both for the health of our planet and for future generations. One way to be more sustainable when shopping is to buy secondhand items. There are many benefits to buying secondhand items, including reducing your…